Quantitative Aptitude
The first step towards Campus Placement is to crack CRT(Campus Recruitment Test). For this test, you need to practice in Quantitative aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. So let's start.
Programming Languages
For a bright future in the IT industry, you must know Programming Languages. To learn this, here is top sites they help you to learn step by step concepts in Programming Language. So let's start.
Coding practice
After learning Programming Languages, You need coding practice to gain hands-on experience in coding. So here are top coding platforms that help you to practice in coding. Let's start.
Online Compilers
Those who not have proper system requirements to install compilers to run the code. Here are top online compilers that helps you in coding. Let's start.
English Comprehension
English is one of the most used languages all over the world. All you know English is must for a future in the IT industry and also in Campus Interviews. For the preparation on English Comprehension here are Web-sites, Youtube channels, and Important tips. So let's start.
Test Papers
Previous year question papers help you to understand the overall types of questions and level of questions. In this section, you get top sites that give Company Wise Question papers for preparation of campus placement. So let's start